

The exercises in this course will have an associated charge in your AWS account. In this exercise, you create or use the following resources:

Familiarize yourself with Amazon EC2 pricing, Amazon S3 pricing, and the AWS Free Tier.

Exercise 5: Creating an S3 Bucket and Modifying the EC2 Instance

For this scenario, you create the S3 bucket where the employee photos will be stored.

In this exercise, you create the S3 bucket, upload an object to it, and modify the bucket policy. You also launch an EC2 instance with updated user data so that the application uses the S3 bucket. Finally, you stop the EC2 instance to prevent future costs.

Task 1: Creating an S3 bucket

In this task, you will create an S3 bucket.

  1. If needed, log in to the AWS Management Console with your Admin user.

  2. In the search box, enter S3 and open the Amazon S3 console by choosing S3.

  3. Choose Create bucket.

  4. For Bucket name, enter employee-photo-bucket-<your initials>-<unique number>.


  5. Choose Create bucket.

Task 2: Uploading a photo

In this task, you will upload an object (a photo) to the S3 bucket.

  1. Open the details of your newly created bucket by choosing the bucket name.

  2. Choose Upload.

  3. Choose Add files.

  4. Choose a photo of your choice from your computer and choose Open.

  5. Choose Upload.

    At the top, you should see Upload succeeded in green.

  6. Choose Close.

Task 3: Modifying the S3 bucket policy

In this task, you will update the bucket policy. The updated configuration allows the IAM role that you created previously to access the bucket.

  1. Choose the Permissions tab.

  2. Scroll down to Bucket policy and choose Edit.

  3. In the box, paste the following policy:

  4. Replace the <INSERT-ACCOUNT-NUMBER> placeholder with your account number.

  5. Replace the <INSERT-BUCKET-NAME> placeholder with your bucket name.


  6. Choose Save changes.

Task 4: Modifying the application to use the S3 bucket

In this task, you will launch another EC2 instance. This time, you will modify the user data script so that the application uses the S3 bucket.

  1. In the Services search box, enter EC2 and open the service by choosing EC2.

  2. In the navigation pane, under Instances, choose Instances.

  3. Select the employee-directory-app instance, which should be in the Stopped state.

  4. Choose Actions and then choose Image and templates, Launch more like this.

  5. For Name and at the end of the Value, append -s3.


  6. For Key pair name, select app-key-pair.

  7. Under Network settings and Auto-assign Public IP, choose Enable.

  8. Scroll down and expand Advanced Details.

  9. In the User data box, update the values for the PHOTOS_BUCKET variable and (if needed) the AWS_DEFAULT_REGION variable.


    This example uses a sample bucket name.

  10. Choose Launch instance.

  11. Choose View all instances.

    The new instance should now be in the Instances list.

  12. Wait for the Instance state to change to Running and the Status check to change to 2/2 checks passed.

    Note: You can refresh the page to update the instance status.

  13. If needed, clear the check box for the stopped instance that you created previously.

  14. Select the check box for the employee-directory-app-s3 instance.

  15. Copy the Public IPv4 address.

    Note: Make sure that you only copy the address instead of choosing the open address link.

  16. In a new browser window, paste the IP address that you copied. Make sure to remove the ‘S’ after HTTP so you are using only HTTP instead.

You should see an Employee Directory placeholder. You won’t be able to interact with the application yet because it’s not connected to a database.

Congratulations! You launched an EC2 instance that uses the S3 bucket you created.

Task 5: Deleting the object from the S3 bucket

In this task, you will delete the object that you uploaded to the S3 bucket.

  1. Open the Amazon S3 console by searching for and choosing S3.

  2. Open the bucket details by choosing the employee-photo-bucket- link.

  3. Select the check box for your object.

  4. Choose Delete and confirm the deletion by entering permanently delete.

  5. Choose Delete objects and then choose Close.

Task 6: Stopping your EC2 instance

In this task, you will now stop the instance to prevent future costs.

Note: Don’t terminate the instance because you will use this instance in a later exercise.

  1. Return to the Amazon EC2 console by searching for and choosing EC2.

  2. If needed, in the navigation pane, choose Instances.

  3. Select the check box for the employee-directory-app-s3 instance.

  4. Choose Instance state and then choose Stop instance.

  5. In the dialog box, choose Stop.

The Instance state will eventually go into the Stopped state.